Visiting Us
Visiting Us
Using the postcode above will take you to St Johns Car Park which is located on one side of Glastonbury High Street (you cannot drive there directly from the High Street but there are plenty of pedestrian 'cut throughs' from the car park to the main High Street).
Although we are situated above 13 High Street (Sons of Asgard) our entrance is actually located in St Johns Square, which is one of the main car-parks in Glastonbury. As you enter the car park, the one-way system will direct you round the right hand side of the car park. You will pass the garden of the 'George and Pilgrims' pub and hotel, and a little further on you will pass a small parade of shops titled 'The Gauntlet'. This small passageway is full of independent shops and business and will take you through to the High Street.
Just after you pass this passageway you will see a gated entrance set back from the roadside with the title 'The Vaults' above the gate. The properties within this space are modern holiday lets that are available all year round - but our centre is located at the very end of this passage way - up the stairs onto the decking area.
If you are visiting us, please do NOT park on the car-parking spaces by The Vaults. We do not have access to these and you could end up with a ticket. Instead, please park in the main car park (which is pay and display and very reasonably priced for a town centre). Although we are within the gated entrance, the access code will be supplied to you upon booking.
If, for whatever reason you have misplaced the gate code, please give us a call on the number detailed above.
Directions From the High Street - Via Monarch Way
If you are trying to locate us, please have a read through the directions below which will take you to Forest Song via Monarch Way (assuming you are outside the Sons of Asgard shop on the High Street).
Standing outside the shop, facing Sons of Asgard, you will need to turn to your right and begin to head up the High Street. Right next to Sons of Asgard (in between the Art of Africa store) you will find a passageway called 'Monarch Way'. If you head through this passage way, past the small shops and past the Vegan Pyramid Cafe, you will emerge at St Johns Car Park. Once here, immediately turn left and you will see some private paved car parking spaces along with a black iron gate with 'The Vaults' above it. This is the gated entrance to the centre and you will need the keycode (which is text to you the day before your treatment) in order to gain access.
On the odd occasion, Monarch Way is sometimes closed (either early morning or late evenings and some holidays). In this instance, you would need to carry further on up the High Street until you reach the small passage way that is in between the St Johns Church and the shop 'Crystals'. If you walk down this passageway you will again emerge into the car park. As you enter the car park, stick to the fence on the left hand side of you and you will see the rear entrance to Cafe Sol and then Vegan Pyramid. The paved car parking spaces will be on your left with the entrance to 'The Vaults'
If you have any queries or need help with directions, please give us a call on 07453 807534. Please do not ask the staff in Sons of Asgard for assistance in locating us as they are unable to leave the store to direct you to our Centre.

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